Welcome to Space Age: Venus!
After exploring the Asteroid Belt, mankind was able to obtain the resources necessary to survive and create more spaceships. However, we now have a problem with our food supplies. Due to increased demand from population growth, our food supplies are strained and new sources are required to maintain our outposts throughout the solar system.
Our renowned scientists were able to adjust the DNA of different plant species, in order to generate a new sustainable food source, and thereby produce even more than before. Nevertheless, these plants require way much more carbon dioxide and nitrogen to keep growing, which leads us to our next outpost: Venus!
Venus has an atmosphere rich in Carbon Dioxide, perfect for our scientists to split the gas into breathable oxygen and carbon. Through splitting, we can refine our genetic engineering of food stuffs. But do not expect to have an easy journey, as these are unclaimed clouds, and the space law only legislates on the surface of a planet, but not on the skies above.
Genel Bakış
Space Age Venus
The Town Hall of the Space Age Venus
Technologies |
Forge Points |
12 045
Coins |
290 000 000
Supplies |
375 000 000
Goods |
69 900
Space Age Venus
Spaceport of the Space Age Venus
- Your own colony in the clouds of Venus!
- 50 main story line quests
- 45 side quests
- 15 recurring quests
- 9 new Avatars
- 7 new expansions (3 new diamond expansions, 1 new campaign, 2 new research expansions, 1 victory expansion).
- 24 new technologies to research
- 2 new residential buildings
- 5 new military buildings with 5 new units (+ Champion)
- 6 Goods Buildings - Synthesizers
- 2 new workshop buildings
- 2 new culture buildings
- 1 new decoration
- 2 new streets
- 1 new Great Building
Main City Buildings
Great Buildings
Residential Buildings
Space Age Venus Residential Buildings
Production Buildings
Space Age Venus Production Buildings
Cultural Buildings
Space Age Venus Cultural Buildings
Space Age Venus Decorations
Goods Buildings
Space Age Venus Goods Buildings
Military Buildings
Space Age Venus Military Buildings
Space Age Venus Roads
Venus Colony Buildings
Venus Colony
Space Age Venus Units